Lobang Jepang (Padang)

Lobang Jepang

Lobang Jepang or Japanese hole  is a legacy of the building in the form of an underground cave which used by the Japanese people for a defense. Japanese hole was founded in Japan colonization during the period of 1942-1945. By the time, the Japanese invaded the Indonesian nation, and the Holes was done by Romusa or forced labor.

Lobang Jepang is only used for the defence of Japanese soldiers, here was also used for the storage of weapons and ammunition, the activities such as the meeting army was also conducted here. Japanese people also do cook at this hole. Here also used to imprison and torture the prisoners of war.
This hole has an area for about 2 hectares in which you will be led to the stairs that had been built. The hallway inside the hole is provided to be the places according to the needs of each importance.

The hall in every building is indeed branched, and each hall is used for a place that suits your needs at the time. to maintain its authenticity, in every hallway fitted with CCTV. Traveling to Lobang Jepang will give you fun and lesson, in case of historical experience for you and your companion.


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