
Showing posts from 2018

Alun Alun Keraton (Jogja)

Alun-Alun Keraton Alun Alun Keraton is the one of the city square in Yogyakarta located in Jalan Alun Alun Kidul. It is the large field with tons of food stalls and many attractions. The most popular are the two banyan tree located in the middle of the city square.  Many people called this a Masangin Ritual, locals said that whoever succeed to walk through between the two banyan tree with their eyes closed means that the person has a pure heart and also can grant what they wishes. Although there are so many people that don’t believe this myth, many of the visitors still tried to do it because of their curiosity. Alun Alun Keraton (1857) Best time to visit 16.00 - 20.00 No ticket prices Rotowijayan Street number. 1, Panembahan, Kraton, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Keraton (Jogja)

Keraton Looking more like walled miniature city than a site or palace, Keraton is the name of the palace complex and is the residence of the Sultan Yogyakarta and his family.  The massive compound is resided by 25.000 people, has its own industries, schools and shops. Although the palace is open for the visitors in the morning, Keraton still serve as a part of political sphere in Yogyakarta, as well as a place for political meetings.  The Keraton was designed to reflect the Javanese cosmos, the complex faced towards Mt. Merapi volcano in one direction and towards the Indian ocean, which the Javanese believe as home of the sea spirits in Indonesia. Best time to visit 15.00-18.00 Ticket prices Rp 10.000,00 Rotowijayan Street number. 1, Panembahan, Kraton, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Taman Sari (Jogja)

Taman Sari Located in Jalan Taman, Patehan, Kraton, Yogyakarta, Tamansari is a palace that was built by the Portuguese Colony as a gift for the wives of Sultan Hameng Kubuwono I.  The building was a garden chateau with an elaborate series of swimming pools, artificial lakes and a collection of 59 buildings with a ground that spread over 12,600 acres.  The sites also contains mosque, fort, meditation space, and an underground tunnel system that connects in between the structures.  Now the garden complex was abandoned by the royal family of Yogyakarta and now are being lived by local residents. Best time for visit 13.00 - 17.00 The price of the tickets are : -        Local tourist : Rp 5.000,00/person -        Foreign Tourist : Rp 12.000,00/person -        And extra Rp 2.000,00 if the visitor bring a camera v  Tamanan Street, Patehan, Kraton, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Prambanan Temple (Jogja)

Prambanan Temple Built on 850 CE by Rakai Pikatan and expanded by King Lokapala and Balitung Maha Sambu the Sanjaya King of Mataram Kingdom, Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple complex in Indonesia which consists of 240 temples but throughout the years many of this temples were destroyed and left. The base of the temple are called Bhurloka, which is a large space marked by a rectangular wall, that is 390 meters wide and has stone walls surrounding it. Bhuvarloka are the central body of the temples and the middle square of the complex, this area has 4 rows of 224 small individual identical shrines, The Bhuvarloka is 222 square and used to have stone walls. The top of the temples are called Svarloka is the innermost square that represents the realm of the gods. There are 16 temples that located in the Svarloka which consists of 3 main templed dedicated to, Brahma the god of creation, Shiva the destroyer of the universe, and Vishnu the keeper. Shiva are the largest temple

Borobudur Temple (Jogja)

Borobudur Temple Sunrise on Borobudur Located in a town called Magelang near Yogyakarta, Java. Borobudur is the largest Buddhist monument in the world, with 113 foot high pyramid, 2,372 relief panels and 504 statues of Buddha. Build between 8 th and 9 th centuries by the era of Syailendra Dynasty, the construction of the temple has been estimated to have taken 75 years, and completed during the era of Samaratungga.  The monument has a structure of 9 stacked platforms, six squares and three circular topped by a central dome.  The lowest part of the construction is called Kamadhatu, the second one are Rupadhatu and the top are called Aruphadatu. To get to the site from Yogyakarta, the visitor must take a Jogja bus to Jombor bus station and then from the Jombor bus station, you must take a local bus to Borobudur.  However you can always use private vehicle which has a route from Jalan Magelang – Sleman – Tempel – Salam – Muntilan – Palpabang – Mendut then you will

Museum Nasional (Jakarta)

Museum Nasional This museum has the richest and largest collection of art from back in the era of Hindu and Buddhist in ancient Indonesia. Located in Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat No.12, Central Jakarta, this museum was located in the opposite of the national monument or Monas. The museum offers 61.600 artifacts of prehistoric and anthropology and 5.000 archaeological artifacts from Indonesia as well as other countries in Asia. This museum is one of the finest museum in South East Asia region due to its sheer collection. The Museum are open on every Tuesday-Sunday from 8am to 4pm Best time for visit 14.00-17.00 Ticket prices Rp 5.000,00/person for adults, Rp 3.000,00/person for kids Medan Merdeka Barat Street number 12, Gambir, Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta

Museum Wayang (Jakarta)

Museum Wayang Wayang is the most popular puppet theatre / art in Indonesia, where they usually told dramatic story through shadows. This particular art celebrates the culture of Indonesia and it was first originated back in the Hindu Kingdom era in Indonesia. Back in the day wayang also serves as the media for entertainment, education and to spread messages. Located in Taman Fatahillah this museum are one of the five museum that located in the complex of Old Town Jakarta. The museum includes the collections of wayang from Java, and other location across Indonesia as well as China, Vietnam, India, Cambodia and Europe. The building was first called De Oude Hollandsche Kerk or Dutch Old Church that first was built on 1640. Then on 1732 the building was renovated and changed its name into De Nieuwe Hollandsche Kerk or Dutch New church, the building stands tall until 1808 and then was almost destroyed by the earthquake that happened in the same year. The new building was fi

Museum Fatahillah (Jakarta)

Museum Fatahillah Fatahillah Museum, also known as Jakarta Historical Museum located in Kota Tua Jakarta (old town) at Jalan Taman Fatahaillah no.1, Tamansari, Dki Jakarta. Fatahillah Museum was first intentionally built as a city hall or the dutch call them Stadhuis back in 1710. Opened in 1974, the museum offers an object from the prehistorical period until the independence of Indonesia in 1948. The collection also includes the items from the founding of jayakarta in 1527 and dutch colonization period from the 16 th century. The furnitures and the items that are in the building are (most of them) the same one that they used back in the day. The museum opens on Tuesday – Sunday from 9am until 3pm. Best time to visit 12.00 - 15.00 Ticket prices Rp 5.000,00/person  Taman Fatahillah Street number 1, Kota Tua, Pinangsia, Tamansari,  Jakarta Barat, Jakarta

Kota Tua (Jakarta)

Kota Tua Also known as Old Batavia or Oud Batavia, is a silent witness of the historical moment and changes in Jakarta throughout the history. The area has 1.3 square kilometres across North Jakarta and West Jakarta. Many visitors claimed that they feel like they travelled through time when they visit this site. That is because the buildings and decoration of the place hasn’t changed to the design of the modern day buildings and decorations, many of the buildings are still the same building as they used to although it may undergo few restoration process. At first the Old Town was built on one purpose by the Dutch colonies, as the center of the commerce in Asia. There are in total 5 museum in Old Town which are, Fatahillah Museum, Wayang Museum, Bank Mandiri Museum and Bank Indonesia Museum.

Monumen Nasional (Jakarta)

Monumen Nasional The National Monument or Monas, is a memorial to the persistence of the Indonesian people against the cruel Dutch East Indies colonialism.  This monument was established in the same year as the inauguration of the Indonesian Scout movement .   The establishment of the building began on the anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) in 1961 by  P.N Andhikarya as the main contractor.  Meanwhile the design is combination of some famous architect.   The 132 meter high monument was finally completed on July 12, 1975, which the President immediately inaugurated that day .    The desire to restore the honor of the Republic of Indonesia and show its authority in the eyes of the people themselves and internationally.  Therefore this building will be placed in front of the independent palace.     The history of the establishment of the monas monument began in 1949, where national conditions began to improve.  It was in that year that the Dutch wh

Istano Basa Pagaruyung (Padang)

Istano Basa Pagaruyung The Istano Basa Pagaruyung is a magnificent example of the rumah gadang style of Minang architecture It is located in Tanah Datar . The original Payaruyung royal palace was set afire in 1804 by Dutch colonizers. Then, it was rebuilt in 1976 as a way of reviving the pride of the Minang people. Now, it becomes an open air museum and tourism icon. It has three stories and a great place for you to see the cultures and philosophy of Minang. The entrance fee to this palace is different between foreign and domestic tourist. Rp 7.000. for Indonesian But for foreigners, the ticket costs Rp 12.000. The palace, which was an open air museum and tourism icon, was damaged by fire after it was struck by lightning in 2007. Restoration of the building has taken six years and an estimated Rp 20 billion (US$1,71 million) to complete.Although built using concrete, the Istano Basa Pagaruyung was restored using traditional materials adorned with 60 carvings that signify

House of Pen Sin Kek (Padang)

House of Pen Sin Kek   Houses Pen Sin Kek. Sin Kek Pen ethnic Chinese. He came and settled in Sawahlunto since the early 20th century. As a successful pedafang Pek Sin Kek in 1906 to build a place of business and family residence at the Center Kota.Rumah Pen Sin Kek ever as House Theater, the Association of Malay society, Ice Factory. After the revitalization in 2005-2006 the building was used as the typical architecture of Chinatown souvenir shop, here the tourists can shop while enjoying the typical architecture of the building.

Jam Gadang (Padang)

Jam Gadang The Clock Tower of Bukittinggi or Jam Gadang is the landmark of Bukittinggi and West Sumatra in Indonesia. The typical symbol of West Sumatra also has a story and unique because has been already decades years ago. Jam Gadang was built in 1926 by architect Yazin and Sutan Gigi Ameh. Laying the first stone, the Clock Tower was carried out Rook Maker's first son who was then 6 years old. This clock is a gift from the Queen of the Netherlands to Controleur (Secretary of State). Distinctive symbols Bukittinggi and West Sumatra's has a story and uniqueness in its history. It can be traced from the ornaments on the Clock Tower. In the Dutch colonial period, this ornament clock round and on it stands a statue of a rooster.

Benteng Vort Van Der Capellen (Padang)

Vort Van Der Capellen Fort van der capellen is a small 19th-century Dutch fort in Batusangkar , West Sumatra , Indonesia . The town of Batusangkar grew considerably around the Fort van der Capellen. The fort was named after the Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies Godert van der Capellen . It began with Dutch Colonel Raff entering the territory of Tanah Datar . In the city of Batusangkar, the Dutch decided to establish a fort on the highest ground around 500 meter from the city center. The construction of the fort was finished in 1824. The fort was christened van der Capellen after the Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies at that time Baron van der Capellen . It is a small fort surrounded with 4 75 cm thick and 4 meter high wall. During the period of Japanese occupation , the fort was under the control of the Indonesian military corps the Badan Keamanan Rakjat ("People's Security Corps") from 1943 to 1945. After the declaration of the Indonesia

Lobang Jepang (Padang)

Lobang Jepang Lobang Jepang or Japanese hole  is a legacy of the building in the form of an underground cave which used by the Japanese people for a defense. Japanese hole was founded in Japan colonization during the period of 1942-1945. By the time, the Japanese invaded the Indonesian nation, and the Holes was done by Romusa or forced labor. Lobang Jepang is only used for the defence of Japanese soldiers, here was also used for the storage of weapons and ammunition, the activities such as the meeting army was also conducted here. Japanese people also do cook at this hole. Here also used to imprison and torture the prisoners of war. This hole has an area for about 2 hectares in which you will be led to the stairs that had been built. The hallway inside the hole is provided to be the places according to the needs of each importance. The hall in every building is indeed branched, and each hall is used for a place that suits your needs at the time. to maintain its authenti

Rumoh Aceh (Aceh)

Rumoh Aceh Aceh State Museum or Rumoh Aceh is one of the oldest museum in Indonesia, that located in Banda Aceh. This museum is the etnografi museum from the indigenous tribes in Aceh. Aceh Museum was build during the reign of the Dutch East Indies, with the form of Traditional House of Aceh (Rumoh Aceh). The buildings were taken from the Pavilion Aceh that placed in the arena Colonial Exhibition (De Koloniale Tentoonsteling) in Semarang on 13 August to 15 November 1914. After the independence of Indonesia, the museum became the property of the Regional Government of Aceh. In 1969, under the initiative of Teuku Hamzah Bendahara, the Aceh Museum was moved from the old place (Blang Padang) to its new location in Jalan Sultan Alaidin Mahmudsyan on a 10,800 m2 land. On September 1, 1980, Aceh Museum was officially made a provincial museum under the name Aceh State Museum (Museum Negeri Aceh or Rumoh Aceh). The official inauguration was made by the Minister of Education and

Masjid Baiturrahman (Aceh)

Masjid Baiturrahman  Baiturrahman Grand Mosque in Banda Aceh, a mosque which has its own history sheet, which is now the State Mosque is located in the heart of the Aceh province. Baiturrahman Grand Mosque's name comes from the name Great Mosque built by Sultan Iskandar Muda in the year 1022 H / 1612 AD mosque this highway was first built by the government of Sultan Iskandar Muda, but had been burned down in the second Dutch military aggression in 1290 Shafar / April 1873 M. Judging from history, the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque has a high value for the people of Aceh, because since the Sultan Iskandar Muda is still standing majestically in the middle of the heart of the city of Banda Aceh. Mesjid Raya has various functions in addition to prayer, which is the place to hold recitals, events religious events such as the birthday of the prophet Muhammad, warning 1 Muharram since the majority of aceh people is muslim.

Museum Sampoerna (Surabaya)

Museum house of sampoerna Situated in “ old Surabaya”, this stately dutch colonial style compound was built in 1862 and is now a preserved historical site. Previously used as an orphanage managed by the dutch, it was purchased in 1932 by liem seeng tee, the founder of sampoerna, with the intent of it being used as sampoerna’s first major cigarette production facility.the compound consisted of a large central auditorium, two smaller buildings on the east and west sides and numerous large, single story, open space structures behind the central auditorium. The side buildings were converted to family residences and the large warehouse like structures were used to accommodate facilities for tobacco and clove processing, blending, hand rolling and packaging, printing and finished goods processing. Today the compound is still functioning as a production plant for indonesia’s most prestigious cigarette, dji sam soe. In commemoration of sampoerna’s 90 th anniversary in 2003, the

Tugu Pahlawan (Surabaya)

Tugu Pahlawan  Heroes Monument, also known as Heroic Monument (Indonesian Language: Tugu Pahlawan) is a monument in Surabaya, Indonesia. It is the main symbol of the city, dedicated to the people who died during the Battle of Surabaya on 10 November 1945 in which the people of Surabaya fought against Allied and Dutch forces who wished to occupy Indonesia again. Heroes Monument is located in the centre of Surabaya in the Jl Pahlawan, in front of the East Java Governor's office, stands a 41 meter high. The monument has become Surabaya's landmark and is shaped as an upside down nail. It was build on a 2.5 hectare piece of land that used to be the High Courthouse (Raad van Justitie) in the Dutch colonial times. During the Japanese occupation the building was used as the base camp for the military police where many Indonesians were trialed and tortured for their resistance against the Japanese occupation. During the Battle of Surabaya in 10 November 1945 the Courthous

Beras Basah Island (Samarinda)

Beras Basah Island Beras Basah comes from the story of the ship of the Sultane of Kutai. Formerly in the heyday of Kutai Kingdom there was a ship which was belongs to Sultane of Kutai that was intended to deliver the rice from Makassar, in the journey the ship experienced a calamity and wreck and spilled the rice and transformed into the white sand. The water and the sand is so clean and it’s a good place to relax and sightseeing because it’s still natural.